Thursday, November 21, 2024

"Social Media and Me" Art Show Opening Celebration at American International College 12/2/24

Art show opening celebration December 2 from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Location: West Wing Gallery of the Karen Sprague Cultural Arts Center, 1000 State Street, Springfield, MA Refreshments will be served. You are invited to join us.

This semester, Midterm Projects in the Division of Arts, Media, and Design focused on the topic of Social Media and Me. 

Art Show Flyer by Samej Hill
Graphic Design 1

Digital Photography 1 and Cultivating Creativity students responded to the following assignment prompt:

Examine your personal experiences as well research issues related to Social Media and Me. Please find a concept/story that is of interest to you. Imagine how to portray this concept/story in a visual manner. Think beyond just an image relating to a cell phone. How can you visually convey a powerful idea that represents Social Media and Me?

Graphic Design 1 students created flyers for the Social Media and Me art show opening reception.

Graphic Design 3 students created an ad that reflected their views on TikTok.

Zom-edia by Jordan Holmes
Cultivating Creativity

Separation by Daniel Fraher - Digital Photography 1
The window screen represents a phone screen, separating the two people. 
Like communication through social media.

Art Show Flyer by Chase Pham
Graphic Design 1

Living in the Shadows by Sophia Sellins
Cultivating Creativity

Phones Are Bad for Kids by Oscar Li
Digital Photography 1

Don't Let Like Define Your Life by Taisha Jones
Graphic Design 3

By Aidan Moscarello - Digital Photography 1
This picture conveys the average college students and how they use technology and social media 
in their everyday life. As you can see, the subjects are doing homework but others are on forms 
of social media that can distract you and make your life harder in a sense. Social media can be 
harmful and I believe this conveys that.

Make A TikTok by Jermal Streeter
Graphic Design 3

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