Friday, May 17, 2024

Photo 2 Photo Shoot: Points of View

Digital Photography 2 students Rhay Porter and Madeline Jacyszn worked with studio strobe lights to complete the Project B option of their semester's end projects. Click to view more Project B work. Big thanks to model Iman Williams and photo assistant Marquis Lundy. Click any image to enlarge.

Let's engage in visual thinking and creative comprehension by interacting with the images while reading points of view from the participants.   

Model Iman Williams is a graduate student in AIC's Mental Health Counseling doctoral program.
Photo by Graphic Arts and Design Major Rhay Porter

Photographer Rhay Porter: "For shooting with the strobe lights, I was fortunate enough to have assistance not only with an assistant (of whom it was my first time meeting), but also my professor and two models. The shoot was for an assignment, but we were even able to capture photos that could be used recreationally. It was a very fun experience because not only was I able to learn more about using strobe lights (I wasn't completely new to the idea of them, but I still have to learn a lot through experience), but I was also able to connect with my models and assistant through learning together.  For the models, it was interesting feeling what they were comfortable with doing, and I found that one of my biggest priorities was finding how best to make them comfortable. Same goes for the assistant, but more so for him I was learning how to instruct him to get the best shots (along with my professor's help of course). I think overall it was a one of a kind experience and I am very honored to have been able to have something like that under my belt as an artist and photographer." 

Photo assistant Marquis Lundy is a member of AIC's football team.
Photo by Professor Nordell

Photo assistant Marquis Lundy is an Athletic Administration and Leadership Major: "My experience with helping as a photo assistant during the photo shoot was a very cool and enjoyable experience. I say this because it's always good to see others happy. I enjoyed seeing the photographer feeling hyped and excited by the fantastic work she was doing. I also enjoyed seeing the models happy and thrilled to do their poses. Usually, I am the student/athlete in front of the camera waiting for my picture to be taken."  

Photo by Rhay Porter

Model Iman Williams: "In the past I have been a fashion model for AIC and walked in 3 Pride fashion show events at the school. I have also done other photoshoots in my personal life.

My experience with working with Professor Nordell, Photographer Rhay Porter and assistant Marquis Lundy was a joy! The photoshoot took place in the West Wing area, so we had plenty of space to work in. They set up the equipment pretty fast and we began to shoot right away. I felt very comfortable working with them. We shared lots of laughs throughout the shoot. I forgot I was there to take pictures. Rhay was so kind, and I can tell she really enjoyed shooting. My favorite part was taking pictures with her at the end and doing the “test shots” before each set. The whole experience was a learning journey for myself and for Rhay. I am looking forward to seeing her work in the future. It was such a pleasure and I had so much fun. My only regret is that it ended. (Time flies when you’re having fun).

I would like to personally thank Professor Nordell for having me, Rhay for shooting me, and Marquis for assisting me.  Looking forward to the day where we can do this again." 

Rhay photographs Madeline Jacyszn.
Photo by Professor Nordell

Liberal Studies Major and Visual & Digital Arts Minor Madeline Jacyszn is close to earning her black belt.
Photo by Rhay Porter

Model Madeline Jacyszn: "Using the strobes was like being on both sides of school picture day.

The setup was basic but recognizable: a bulb mounted on a stand with the inside of a reflector umbrella facing the subject. Slide a small antennae piece onto the top of the camera to cue the flash, and it was good to go.

Unlike school picture day though, my turn as the subject required some dynamism. Specifically, jumping. So there I was, in my karate uniform and socks for the aesthetics, against a hastily erected white paper background I was deathly afraid I was going to tear down by accident once I started hopping around.

Truthfully, I was a little stumped too. The style of martial arts I practice doesn't have a lot of jumping moves, and I'm not the most flexible person. Despite having a decent kick, I couldn't hold my leg straight out in front of me without it bent and trembling from the effort. Would a flying kick from me look acceptable enough for the picture?

Turns out, what I should've been worried about was more the faces I made than the kicks I tried. I guess I should just feel relieved that the strobe light put me under decent lighting like it's supposed to."

Photo by Rhay Porter

Madeline and the set in the West Wing Gallery.
Photo by Professor Nordell

Rhay and Iman
Photo by Madeline Jacyszn

Photographer Madeline Jacyszn: "Luckily, once I was on the other side of the camera and taking the pictures instead, my concerns became less physical and more technical.

First was lighting. I had to take several test pictures to check how the lighting setup looked and make adjustments accordingly. Sometimes the strobes would misfire and change the lighting up entirely by throwing sudden deep shadows over half the subject's face, requiring more test pictures.

Next was posing and framing. This project wasn't under my directive so luckily I didn't have to worry about posing, but I did have to make sure I kept the framing within the makeshift backdrop that had been set up. Surprisingly not always as easy as it sounds, as I kept getting the edge of the backdrop in frame by accident."


Rhay and Iman 
Rhay is on the basketball team.
Photo by Madeline Jacyszn

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